Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to inform that the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is hosting on behalf of CSIA the 2nd CSIA International Corporate Governance Conference in New Delhi, India on April 5-6, 2013 on the theme Corporate Governance for Sustaining Prosperity and Posterity. The following are the sub-themes:
- · Responsible Investment and Responsive Businesses
- · Sustainability Reporting Beyond Disclosures
- · The Journey from CS to CGO (Corporate Governance Officer)
- · Corporate Spirit and Spirituality
- · Convergence of Corporate Governance and Market Governance
The conference will bring together the global fraternity of the professionals to a single forum to deliberate on issues and challenges across the globe in the area of governance which holds the key to sustaining prosperity of the society and the economy as well as the posterity on the earth.
The conference would have only about 100-150 topnotch professionals.
This is a personal request from Mr. S. N. Ananthasubramanian, President-ICSI and myself to make use of this opportunity and request you to nominate delegates from your esteemed organisation to participate in the conference.
The delegate fee for the conference is USD$ 500/- for foreign delegates and Rs.15,000 for Indian delegates. The details about the conference including conference brochure, conference programme and payment modes are available at
Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA), registered in Geneva, Switzerland, is a Global body of Institutes engaged in the regulation and development of the profession of corporate secretaries, company secretaries, chartered secretaries, board secretaries and other governance professionals. It was founded on March 22, 2010 in Paris with a vision of To be the Global Voice of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals. Presently, it has 18 members from various countries.
We look forward to participation of delegates from your esteemed organisation at the conference.
Best Regards,
CS Nesar Ahmad
Immediate Past President, the ICSI & Chairman
CSIA Conference Organising Committee