The New Companies Act, 2013 is a historic change in old law, which was a riddle wrapped up in enigma. The new law is futuristic, sustainable and give flexibility to corporate environment. Lot of fresh changes have been made keeping in mind globalization, large scale corporatization of small and medium organizations. New ideas have been incorporated into this enactment. The law prima facie is procedural law which will allow the country to have a modern legislation for regulation of corporate sector in India. The Act, amongst other aspects provides for business friendly corporate regulation / pro-business initiatives, e-governance initiatives, good corporate governance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), enhanced disclosure norms and accountability of management, stricter enforcement, audit accountability, protection for minority shareholders, investor protection and activism and better framework for insolvency regulation and institutional structure.
In view of these emerging issues and key developments, ASSOCHAM is organizing 2nd National Conference on Companies Act 2013 – New Rules of the Game on 18th October, 2013 at Mumbai to mount larger awareness among the corporates and their feedback.
We are pleased to inform you that, Shri M. J. Joseph, Additional Secretary and Chief Vigilance Officer, Ministry of Corporate Affairs has very kindly confirmed his presence to grace the Inaugural Session of the conference.
Shri Sachin Pilot, Hon™ble Minister of State for Corporate Affairs (I / C), has also been invited to grace the Conference.
Your esteemed organization can also avail the Sponsorship Opportunities in this very important Conference, to enhance your brand visibility. Your association could derive huge mileage from this galaxy event. Speaking Opportunity is also available for sponsors. Write to for Sponsorship Details.
Contact Corporate Law Reporter for Exciting Discounts :: and to enable us to block the seats as the programme has limited Seats and will be available on First come First Served basis.
Date: Friday, 18th October 2013
Venue: Hotel Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai
Payment Mode: Payments can be made at the Venue by Cash, Cheque or DD
Corporate Law Reporter ( is the Online Media Partner to ASSOCHAM.
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