- Outcome budgets have become an integral part of the budgeting process since 2005-06 OUTCOME BUDGET 2013-14 will broadly indicate the physical dimensions of the financial budgets as also the actual physical performance in 2011-12, performance for the first 9 months of the year 2012-13 and the targeted performance during 2013-14.
Scope of Coverage in Outcome Budget 2013-14
- The Outcome Budget documents will be prepared separately by each Ministry/Department in respect of all Demands/Appropriations controlled by them, except those exempted from this requirement and to the extent disclosures are not barred on considerations of security etc. A list of exempted Demands/Appropriations is enclosed at Annexure-I. However, even the Ministries/Departments and other authorities `exempted’ from preparation of Outcome Budget and placing it in public domain are requested to carry out this exercise for internal use and voluntarily decide to place it in public domain fully or partially.
- As far as feasible, sub-targets for coverage of women and SC/ST beneficiaries under various developmental schemes and the schemes for the benefit of the North-Eastern Region should be separately indicated.o
Download the full document released by Ministry of Finance here.