Circular No. 10/2013
No. MCA21/37/2013
Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
5th Floor, “A” Wing, Shastri Bhawan
Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 08.05.2013
All the Regional Directors,
All the Registrar of Companies
Sub: Applicability of Regulation 17(6) in processing the work items.
I am directed to convey, with the approval of the Competent Authority that, henceforth, under the provisions of Regulation 17(6) of the Company Regulation, 1956, ad-hoc work items may be created to extend the validity of the work item beyond the time limits prescribed under the Regulation by the ROC concerned.
The ROC concerned shall record the specific reasons for creating the ad-hoc item. The details of ad-hoc work items created along with the reasons for such creation shall be intimated to the Regional Director every fortnight in the format prescribed. The Regional Director shall send a consolidated report by e-mail to the E-Gov Division of the Ministry within a week thereafter along with his observations. The format below may be used for reporting by ROC/RD.
S. No. | SRN No. | Form | Extended up to | Reasons for extension | Observations of RD |
The said change shall come into effect from the date of this circular.
Yours faithfully
(Sanjay Kumar Gupta)
Deputy Director