“RESOLVED THAT pursuant provisions of Section 42 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 14 of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 and such other provisions (including any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof) as may be applicable for the time being in force, consent of the members of the Company be and is hereby accorded for offering, issuing, and allotting [●][No. of Equity Shares] (in words) Equity Shares at a face value of Rs. [●][Face value per share] at a premium of [●][ Premium per share] amounting to [●][Total amount of the Equity Shares issued](in words) and that the draft letter of offer in Form PAS -4 for issue of such securities and record of such Private Placement offer in Form PAS-5, be and are hereby approved;
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr./ Ms. [●] [Name and Designation of the authorized person] of the Company be and is hereby authorized to sign and circulate the letter of offer in Form PAS-4 along with the application form to [●][Name of the offeree]/ to the said offerees, whose name(s) is/are recorded in Form PAS-5 i.e. Record of Private Placement Offer.”