CC No.6
Office of the Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh: Hyderabad.
CCT™s Ref No. DX 1 / 223 / 2013
Dt: 20-3-2013
Sub: Public Services – Commercial Taxes Department Proposals for appointment by transfer to the post of ACTOs Certain guidelines issued for examination of the proposals under Rule 5 & 6 of A.P.S & S.S. Rules 1996- certain instructions Reg.
All the Deputy Commissioners are aware that the panel year starts from 1ST September but the proposals are received in the middle of the panel years and sometimes received as and when the vacancies arose.
It is also brought to the notice of the undersigned, that some Nodal Deputy Commissioner(CT) have furnished the nominations for promotions to the post of ACTO without proper examination of the guidelines issued by Government under Rule 5 & 6 of A.P. State & Subordinate Rules, 1996 for promotion or appointment by transfer of a member.
In the above circumstances, all the nodal Deputy Commissioners are instructed to follow the guidelines before sending the proposals for such promotions or appointment by transfer:-
1. The panel (list of candidates) shall be prepared as laid down in Rule 5 and 6 of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.
2. The panel shall be prepared ordinarily during the month of September every year and qualifying date for the panel year 2012-13 is 01.09.2012 and so on and the vacancies (due to retirement only) in the panel should have arisen from 1.9.2012 to 31.8.2013 only as per rule 6 (b). of A.P.S & S.S. Rules 1996. Retirement on 31-08-2013 shall not be counted as vacancy will arise on 01-09-2013.
3. 1st September of the year is the qualifying date to determine the eligibility of a candidate for such appointments.
4. A panel of candidates shall be prepared taking into account the vacancies arising owing on retirements only.
5. The Appointing Authority has to take action as per rule 6(b)(i) of A.P.S & S.S. Rules 1996. Retirement vacancies which are arising on 31.8.2013 shall not be counted for estimation of vacancies for the panel year 2012-13 and such vacancies will be counted for the next panel year 2013-14.
6. The DCs concerned are to specify the cadre strength, number of persons working against the cadre strength in the Division, number of persons working on deputations i.e. V & E Dept and Enforcement Wing.
7. The DCs have to furnish the extract Roster Points where Rule of Reservation is applicable in the case of SC/ST/PHCs along with the proposals.
8. The DCs are informed that minimum service in the feeder category shall not be relaxed.
9. The Nodal Deputy Commissioners concerned have to furnish the proposals at least one month in advance so as to enable this office to scrutinize the proposals for approving promotions.
10. The D.Cs are furnishing the proposals including the names of certain individuals facing disciplinary proceedings, which is incorrect. It shall be noted that against the names of such individuals, remarks shall be furnished as to why those individuals shall not be considered.
11. The principle of rota-quota and substantive vacancies should be followed in case of Direct Recruit ACTOs, and proposals shall be limited to the vacancies meant for Rank Promotees, excluding the vacancies meant for DRs.
12. Even if approval is given for entire year in advance from this office, the approved individuals shall be promoted only from the date of arising the vacancy meant for Rank Promotee.
Therefore all the Nodal Deputy Commissioners (CT) are instructed to submit the proposals for promotion/appointment by transfer to the post of ACTOs as per above guidelines to this office with specific recommendations and complete nomination rolls / record sheets.
Sd/- Suresh Chanda