The business leaders demand to have some guidelines to monitor regarding .spending of CSR funds by corporates as there might be some companies either wasting money or siphoning in some form.
Industrialists and other eminent business leaders think that the corporate social responsibility should come from each individual.
The Companies should be tightened in some form or the other for spending the 2 percent of the net profits otherwise they shall explain completely for not spending such amounts and the reasons thereof.
There are companies that will make great contribution to the country and there would be some companies which would be either wasting the money or siphoning in some form.
As per the expert industrialists country’s greatest weakness is inequality in enforcement of governance and called for same right to govern a billionaire and a street vendor.
The greatest weakness today is inequality in enforcement (of governance).
As per the business leaders-for new India would be total equality that whether you are a billionaire or a street vendor you have the same rights to be governed by law and order in the same manner & the country improves on equality, then the governance will take more transparent position to just ensure that one is operating within the law of the land.
Within the law of the land and enforcement should be the driving force of keeping people within that sphere.
When country improves on equality, then the governance will take more transparent position to just ensure that one is operating within the law of the land.
Governance is merely to ensure that you are within the law of the land and enforcement should be the driving force of keeping people within that sphere.