The Prime Minister™s Office has been monitoring the CAPEX and investment plans of selected Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) since FY 12-13. The purpose of this exercise was to enhance investment in the economy and use CPSEs to drive economic growth.
The CAPEX target set for FY 2013-14 is Rs. 141,912 crores. This covers 23 CPSEs, including major investors such as ONGC, Oil India, GAIL, Indian Oil, MRPL, SAIL, NMDC, Powergrid, NHPC, NTPC, Coal India, Neyveli Lignite Corp., CONCOR, NALCO, BHEL, BEL, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam, Satluj Jal Vikas Nigam and Nuclear Power Corporation.
At the end of the first quarter, (Q1, FY13-14), the overall capital investment by all these CPSEs is Rs 23,635 crores as against the Q1 target of Rs. 25,131 crores. This is an achievement of 94%. It was also noted that six CPSEs, viz, NMDC, PGCIL, NLC, BEL, RINL and HAL had surpassed their first quarter targets.
In a review meeting of the lagging CPSEs, i.e., NTPC, SJVNL, Coal India, CONCOR and NPCIL, the individual CPSEs assured that they would exceed targets by Q2 or latest by Q3.