During a routine inspection carried out by Department of Telecommunications (DoT), it was found that an unlicensed foreign entity M/s Singapore Telecommunications Limited (STL) was providing international Private Lease Circuits (IPLC) to the customers in India and issuing bills to the customers in India resulting into loss of revenue to the Government. M/s STL had entered into an agreement with M/s Bharti Airtel Limited (BAL and M/s Tata Communications Limited (TCL), the International Long Distance (ILD) Service licensees, for providing the IPCL services to its customers.
A case against M/s STL, a non-licensed entity, for violation of India Telegraph Act, 1885 has been filed with Economic Officers Wing of CBI. The case is under investigation by CBI.
For the violation of terms and conditions of the ILD license, a penalty of Rs. 50 crores was imposed on M/s BAL and M/s TCL each. However, both the licensees filed petitions against the imposition of above penalty and vide order dated 28.09.2012 Hon™ble Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) has set aside the impugned orders and allowed the Petitioners for an opportunity of being heard. DoT has decided to follow the said order of Hon™ble TDSAT.
This information was given by Shri Milind Deora, Minister of State for C&IT in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.