The Cabinet Committee on Investment today reviewed the status of twenty projects with investment of Rs.1000 crore or more which were pending for different types of approvals and clearances with a view to expediting decisions on approvals and clearances.
The projects were identified in transmission, hydro and thermal sector where various clearances are pending mostly with Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF). There were 10 projects from transmission sector awaiting clearances for Stage-I and Stage-II forest clearance from MoEF, three projects from hydro sector and seven projects from thermal sector awaiting clearances from other Ministries.
Out of 20 projects, 13 (Transmission – 10; Hydro – 1 and Thermal – 2) projects involving investment of about Rs.33,000 crore have been cleared and one has already been recommended by the Expert Advisory Committee (EAC) of MoEF for clearance. For the other two projects Ministry of Power has decided not to move the proposal to CCI and is following up with the Ministry of Coal. For remaining four projects, matter is being followed up with state governments and other ministries/agencies for clearances.
Cabinet Secretariat vide letter dated 03.01.13 had requested to send a list of projects pending for different types of approvals /clearances so that it can be taken up with CCI to expedite decisions on pending approvals/clearances. Accordingly, two lists of 20 projects pending for different types of approvals/clearances with various ministries / agencies were sent to the Cabinet Secretariat on 16.01.13.