Check List of documents for filing of New Design Applications (online and Offline)
In order to process the design applications faster, the applicants are hereby requested to submit/upload the following documents. The applicants are also advised to submit the original or paper copy of the electronically filed (e-filing) documents within 15 days of such electronic filing as per Rule 3 of the Designs Rules.
1. Form 1 in the prescribed format (as in Schedule-II of the Designs Rules )
2. Representations should be prepared as prescribed under Rule 12, 13 and 14 of The Designs Rules and should be submitted in duplicate.
3. Form-21(Power of authority/General Power of authority) in original (if filed through patent agent/advocates) (as in Schedule-II)
If the applicant files copy of General Power of authority (GPA), it should be endorsed with the design application number, with which the original GPA has been filed.
4. Form-24 in prescribed format (if small entity status is claimed) (as in Schedule-II)
(a) It should be accompanied with evidence of registration under MSME Act, 2006 in case of Indian entities.
(b) It should be accompanied with affidavit deposed by the applicant or authorised signatory as Rule 42 of Designs Rules in case of Foreign entities.
5. Original Priority document under Rule 15 of The Designs Rules.
6. Authenticated English translated copy of the Priority document (if original priority document is other than English)
7. Assignment in original (if the applicant of priority application in convention country is different from Indian applicant)
The applicants may refer to the following URLs for further detailed information in respect of filings and preparation of representation sheets.
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