The Ministry of Finance had constituted a Fast Track Committee to address the pay structure of certain common category posts of pharmacists. The Committee had recommended that the entry grade of Pharmacists in Central Government should remain at grade pay of Rs. 2800 in the pay band PB-1. However, on completion of 2 years service in the entry grade, all the incumbents should be granted non-functional upgradation to the next higher grade having grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band PB-2.
Recommendations of the Fast Track Committee were considered and accepted by the Government and accordingly, an Office Memorandum was issued vide F No. 1/1/2008 IC dated 18/11/2009 approving the pay structure w.e.f. 1.1.2006 that the Pharmacists in the entry Grade Pay of Rs. 2800 having the qualification of 10+2 plus two years diploma in Pharmacy and registered under the State Pharmacy Council are to be granted an upgraded Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 on completion of two years of service. They are to be re-designated as Pharmacist (NFG) which will be delinked from promotion. However, no specific reference to Allopathic or AYUSH Pharmacists was made in the order.
The recommendations of the Fast Track Committee (FTC) as contained in Department of Expenditure™s OM dated 18/11/2009 as mentioned above, was not extended to the Pharmacists belonging to AYUSH Cadre in CGHS, on the basis of clarification rendered by the Ministry of Finance that since the basic qualification required as per the existing Recruitment Rule, for AYUSH Pharmacist in CGHS is lower than that is required for availing the benefits of higher grade pay as recommended by FTC.
As per the Ministry of Finance™s clarification, AYUSH pharmacists having lower qualification are not eligible for higher grade pay of Rs 4200/- which has been awarded to Allopathic pharmacists having requisite higher qualification as per the recommendations of FTC.