The two day conference of Ministers of States/UTs in charge of Youth Affairs and Sports concluded here today. The Conference was chaired by Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs and Sport, Shri Jitendra Singh, in the presence of Ministers and Secretaries from different State Governments/UTs, eminent sports persons, members of Sports Federations, Vice Chancellors of prominent Universities, representatives of Corporate Business Houses and Industries, senior Government officials and other dignitaries.
In his concluding remarks, Shri Jitendra Singh, said that there is a need for good governance, cleansing of sports and bringing transparency in the working of Sports Federations. He said, his Ministry is working with the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Home Affairs on how to stop the menace of betting and fixing in sports. The Minister said, as sports is a state subject, the States have to initiate a debate on how to enact laws to stop betting and fixing etc. in sports. He further stressed the need to have uniform sports laws in the country. Shri Jitendra Singh assured the States that all necessary guidance and support will be provided by the Centre to the States in making such laws, if they so desire. The States have agreed to the suggestion that the centre could develop a model sports law for adoption by the States.
Shri Jitendra Singh called for supporting and promoting youth development through sports and give priority to youth related programmes and schemes.
During the conference several new initiatives were discussed. The initiatives taken by Department of Youth Affairs were highlighted such as to reposition NSS as National Service and Skill Development Scheme (NSSDS) with a view to enable students to gain employable skills while undertaking community work that brings about social change.
Referring to NYKS, the Minister stressed the need for regular meetings of State/District advisory Committee and also requested the State Governments to provide office accommodation to the NYKS state level / district levels to have better convergence and coordination with the State / District agencies.
He said, for promotion of sports in the country, the ministry is already working towards revamping Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) in a major way. Central govt. will be playing an active role in providing funds to create sports complexes at identified locations at the block level in various disciplines both indoor and outdoor. Fund to the extent of Rs. 1.75 Crores will be provided for construction of such complexes. This massive effort is estimated to cost about Rs.12,500 Crores.
Shri Jitendra Singh said that Sports Authority of India (SAI) will set up 25 centres of excellence or COX across the country. Each COX will specialize in 3 to 4 sports disciplines. He requested the State Governments to provide free land and built up sports infrastructure for setting up of new centres of excellence in the states. He said the Government of India will set up two National Institutes – one for sports medicine and the other for sports coaching.
He also declared a new programme of Sports Scholarships under which up to 10 scholarships in different disciplines of sports science and sports medicine will be offered every year. Under the programme, the scholars can go to any reputed institute in the world and all their education and living expenses will be borne by Government of India.
During the conference, a new initiative called Identification & Nurturing Sports Talent (INSTAL) was also discussed. Under the proposed Scheme, each district will have a special school meant for young sport persons in the age group of 6-10 years who have shown talent in sports. 100 talented young boys and girls in this age group will be selected through the PYKKA rural competitions. Such selected students will be admitted in the District Level Sports Schools with facilities of boarding, lodging, special diet, sports kit, school fees and other expenses being met by govt. through a stipend. There will be a guaranteed job under the sports quota to such selected students both in the Central Government or the State Government.
DG, NCC made a detailed presentation on the activities of the NCC and requested for greater participation of the State Governments in expanding the reach of NCC.
The State govt. representatives appreciated the proposals and urged that Sports should promote inclusive growth. It was the general view that the participation of rural youth in the states has increased tremendously as a result of the Governmental efforts. However, attention was drawn towards enhancement of funds for better infrastructure in the states especially with hilly terrain.
The States urged the Central Government to develop allied sciences like sports medicine, nutrition and psychology to cater to the needs of sports persons and development of sports. They were also of the view that coordinated efforts be made to persuade the Private Sector to earmark funds for sports development and sports persons welfare as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility.
State Governments supported the proposals discussed in the conference and stated that these efforts will go a long way in promotion and development of sports and games throughout the country.
Shri Jitendra Singh, requested the State Governments to extend their full cooperation for successful implementation of the schemes of the Government of India.