No. 5(1)/2013-FC.I
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 16thApril, 2013
This is in continuation to this Department’s communication No. 5(1)/2013-FC-1 dated 5.4.2013, wherein ˜Circular I of 2013-Consolidated FDI Policy’ was issued.
2. In paragraph of abovementioned Circular, phrase ˜paragraph 6.2.24™ may be read as ˜paragraph™.
(Anjali Prasad)
Joint Secretary
Press Information Officer, Press Information Bureau– for giving wide publicity to the above circular.
BE Section for uploading the updated circular on DIPP’s website.
Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
Hindi Section for Hindi Translation