(To be Published in the gazette of India extraordinary part-1 section -1)
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Public Notice No. 22/2015-2020
Subject: Corrections/ amendments in Table 2 of Appendix 3B Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy 20-15-2020, the director General of Foreign trade hereby makes the following corrections/ amendment in table 2 of Appendix 3B (Notified through Public Notice no. 17 dated 22.08.2017). The changes under this Public Notice shall be applicable for exports w.e.f 01.01.2017:
2. The Existing ITC(HS) Codes/Product description are corrected as below:
3. The ITC (HS) classification has been revised w.e.f.01.01.2017. tHe ITC(HS) codes /Expoort products as per ITC(HS) 2012 which were covered in Table 2 of Appendix 3B of FTP 2015-20 were harmonised with the ITC(HS) Codes/Exports products of ITC(HS) 2017 on 07.03.2017. Subsequently , it has come to the notice of this Directorate that some of the HS codes of 2012 has been bifurcated and subdivided/slightly undergone description changes . In order to provide coverage of all such products which were eligible for benefits as per ITC(HS) 2012 amendment is being made to table 2 of Appendix 3B of FTP 2015-20 as modifies on 22.08.2017 by providing coverage to the following products under ITC(HS) 2017. the benefit under MEIS to the following items will for exports W.e.F. 01.01.2017
Effect of this Public Notice:
Certain corrections have been made to table 2 of Appendix 3B of FTP 2015-20 in line with the ITC (HS) Codes 2012 for exports made w.e.f 01.01.2017
(Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Email: dgft@nic.in
(Issued from File No. 01/61/180/178/AM17/PC-3)