Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Room No.77-A, North Block,
New Delhi-110001
Dated, the 17th May, 2013.
Subject: Filling up of the post ofIndirect Tax Ombudsman at Ahmedabad
I am directed to say that the post ofIndirect Tax Ombudsman at Ahmedabadin the HAG + pay scale of Rs.75500-80,000/-, is likely to be filled up from amongst the officers of the Indian Customs & Central Excise Service.
2. Relevant provisions reganling.eligibility, pay scale and tenure of Ombudsman are reproduced from the Indirect Tax Ombudsman Guidelines, 2011 below:-
3.II. The Ombudsman selected shall be a person who has held a post in the Government of India in the HAG scale of pay of Rs. 67,000-79,000/-(prerevised pay scale of Rs. 22,400-525-24,500) on regular basis for at least one year and shall preferably be a resident of the city where he/she is proposed to be appointed. He/she shall be a serving officer (as on the last date for receipt of applications) preferably of the Indian Revenue Service (C8sCE). If a suitable officer from that service is not available, officers of equivalent grade of any other Group service of the Central Government may be appointed. When appointed as Ombudsman, the officer, if he/she is still in service under the Government of India, shall seek retirement from Government service, before entering upon the office as an Ombudsman.
3. It is, therefore, requested that the vacancy may please be circulated amongst the eligible officers with the condition that application in the enclosed proforma should reach Ad.II Section (CBEC) by 10.06.2013. The applications received from the willing and eligible officers in Ad.II Section (CBEC) by this closing date may be forwarded by the cadre controlling authority (CBEC) to the undersigned alongwith vigilance clearance, cadre clearance, history of posting, Agreed List status and ACR dossiers by 27.06.2013.
Yours faithfully
(Rajinder Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph : 2309 3277