November 25, 2013
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
(excluding RRBs) and
All India Term-Lending and Refinancing Institutions
Dear Sir,
Financing of Infrastructure – Definition of ‘Infrastructure Lending’
Please refer to our circular DBOD.BP.BC.No.58/08.12.014/2012-13 dated November 20, 2012 on ˜Definition of Infrastructure Lending™ harmonising the RBI definition of Infrastructure Lending with that of the ˜Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors™ notified by the Government of India on March 27, 2012 and its subsequent updation vide our circular DBOD.BP.BC.No.106 /08.12.014 /2012-13 dated June 28, 2013.
2. The Government of India has further updated the Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors vide Gazette Notification dated October 7, 2013 and the following new sub-sectors have been added in the Master List:
- Hotels with project cost of more than Rs.200 crores each in any place in India and of any star rating.
- Convention Centres with project cost of more than Rs.300 crores each.
3. Accordingly, an updated list of sub-sectors for infrastructure lending by banks and select All India Term-Lending and Refinancing Institutions is given in the Annex. The new sub-sectors will get classified as ˜Infrastructure™ for the purpose of lending by banks and select All India Term-Lending and Refinancing Institutions from the date of this circular and will be subject to the conditions mentioned therein.
Yours faithfully,
(Chandan Sinha)
Principal Chief General Manager
List of sub-sectors for ˜Infrastructure Lending™
A credit facility extended by lenders (i.e. banks and select All India Term-Lending and Refinancing Institutions) to a borrower for exposure in the following infrastructure sub-sectors will qualify as ˜infrastructure lending™:
Category |
Infrastructure sub-sectors |
Transport |
Energy |
Water & Sanitation |
Communication |
Social and Commercial Infrastructure |
1. Includes Capital Dredging 2. Includes supporting terminal infrastructure such as loading/unloading terminals, stations and buildings 3. Includes strategic storage of crude oil 4. Includes city gas distribution network 5. Includes optic fibre/cable networks which provide broadband / internet 6. Includes Medical Colleges, Para Medical Training Institutes and Diagnostics Centres 7. Includes cold room facility for farm level pre-cooling, for preservation or storage of agriculture and allied produce, marine products and meat. 8. Applicable with prospective effect from the date of this circular and available for eligible projects for a period of three years; Eligible costs exclude cost of land and lease charges but include interest during construction. |