There should be no doubt that we are wedded to the freedom of expression. This was stated by Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Communications and IT, while delivering the keynote address at the google big tent activate summit, here today. He underlined that the Internet is the most important and transformative forum. Underlining the power of the internet as a most inclusive medium, as there are no borders on the net, he stated we must move slowly but surely towards making internet the equinet.
Shri Sibal underlined the three important points for making the internet a truly empowering, transformational andf inclusive force. He said that from the point of view of the State, we must have an enabling framework-rules and regulations must not come in the way of the growth of the net. Secondly, he said, networks in terms of fibre-optics and also wireless must be developed to facilitate access to the net. Thirdly, he said, that affordabe access devices are needed for a true inclusive transformational internet revolution. Shri Sibal also said that it will be truly transformative, if through the internet, we can reach people in their traditional languages.
Google™s Big Tent Activate Summit aims to address questions like:
Can India gain a global competitive edge by enabling the full economic potential of the Internet?
Will the Internet dilute Indian culture, or can it help preserve and share it locally and globally?
How is the Internet already changing the democratic process, and what will happen as many more constituents come online?