Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management at Mumbai Centre starts on 07th July, 2012 and the venue is Hotel Mirador, New Link Road, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai.
Class Schedule & Timings
Date Day
07th July,2012 Saturday (10 am. – 5 pm.)
08st July,2012 Sunday (10 am – 5 pm.)
21st July,2012 Saturday (10 am – 5 pm.)
22nd July,2012 Sunday (10 am – 5 pm.)
04th August,2012 Saturday (10 am – 5 pm.)
05th August,2012 Sunday (10 am – 5 pm.)
11th August,2012 Saturday (10 am – 5 pm.)
12th August,2012 Sunday (10 am – 5 pm.)
D.D./Pay Order it should be drawn in the favour of “The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India”, payable at New Delhi. Payment can also be made online through the ICAI website at http://www.icai.org
Committee on Financial Markets and Investors’ Protection
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan , Administrative Block, Third Floor
A-29 Sector 62, Noida–201309
Contat No. (0120) 3045905/945
(M): 09310542607/09650075010
E-Mail: fxtm@icai.org;cfmip@icai.org
Limited seats. Registration will be on First come First serve basis.