An agreement for loan of US$ 255 million (equivalent) from World Bank for the National AIDS Control Project (NACP-IV) was signed here today between India and the World Bank. Shri Nilaya Mitash, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance signed on behalf of the Government of India and Mr.Onno Ruhl, Country Director, World Bank (India) on behalf of the World Bank. Representative(s) from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of National AIDS Control and officials from the World Bank among others were present on the occasion.
The Objective of the project is to increase safe behaviors among high risk groups in order to contribute to India™s national goal of reversal of the HIV epidemic by 2017.
Project Component: The Project has three components that include implementation at the national, State and district levels:
(i) Scaling-up Targeted Prevention Interventions;
(ii) Behavior Change Communications; and
(iii) Institutional Strengthening.
The closing date of NACP IV is September 30, 2017.