DCM(CC) No.G-3/03.39.01/2013-14
July 01, 2013
The Chairman & Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer
All Banks
Dear Sir/Madam
Master Circular – Scheme of Incentives & Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public.
Please refer to the Master Circular DCM(CC) No. G-3/03.39.01/2012-13 dated July 02, 2012 containing the scheme of incentives and penalties for bank branches including currency chests based on the performance in rendering customer service to the members of public.
2. A revised and updated version on the subject is annexed for information and necessary action.
3. This Master Circular is available on our website www.rbi.org.in.
Yours faithfully
(B.P. Vijayendra)
Principal Chief General Manager.