A Committee had been constituted in Deptt of Telecom to look into the issues related to administrative allotment/ assignment of spectrum in the various categories i.e. Captive Mobile Radio Trunk Service (CMRTS), Public Mobile Radio Trunk Service (PMRTS), Commercial VSATs and all captive users etc. The Committee had submitted its report containing, inter-alia, periodic review of spectrum price for administrative assignment; to make available the identified International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) bands for future auction; spectrum in non-IMT bands may continue to be assigned administratively at administrative charges for captive usages; present usages in the IMT bands should be refarmed; Periodic assessment of demand and supply of spectrum etc.
An expanded Committee has been reconstituted with additional scope of work, including review and revision of recommendations of the earlier Committee.
The Department of Telecom has decided that a separate auction will be held in compliance with the direction of the Supreme Court order dated 15-2-2013.
This information was given by Shri Milind Deora, Minister of State for C&IT in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha.