Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd. (MECL), the premier exploration agency of country has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ministry of Mines, for the financial year 2013-14. Shri R.H. Khwaja, Secretary, Ministry of Mines & Dr. Gopal Dhawan, Chairman-cum- Managing Director, MECL, signed an MoU here today.
Continuing with the improvement in physico-financial performance of the company, MECL has committed to carry out 3,25,000 m. of exploratory drilling and 9150 m. of exploratory / developmental mining work along with associated activities, in the MoU. The physical and financial parameters have been increased substantially (10%) from the previous year i.e 2012-13 during which it is likely to achieve all time high gross revenue and the physical targets during last 22 years. MECL has also proposed an ambitious Research & Development Programme for Mapping of Base Metal deposit through Geo-physical survey and drilling fluid technology. Apart from this, MECL shall also carry out Energy Management, Carbon Management and Material & Natural Resource Management under sustainable development programme. In addition to above, it has also agreed to continue Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) nearby it™s projects in the country.