The new Company Bill 2012 promises to bring easy and efficient way of doing business in India, better governance, improves levels of transparency, enhance accountability, inculcating self compliance and making corporate socially responsible. Some of the key changes to look for are in merger/de-merger processes, cross border mergers, fast track mergers between small companies and holding subsidiaries, and provisions relating to minority shareholders™ protection and exit. We believe that the new Law will help in reducing shareholders™ litigation and making corporate restructuring process smooth and efficient.
Under the new law, only those shareholders who own more than 10% stake or have more than 5% of the total debt will have the power to oppose any scheme of arrangement. Experts say the bill could potentially trigger a spate of domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions and make Indian firms more attractive to PE investors. The new law allows an Indian company to merge with a foreign company, making cross-border mergers and acquisitions easier. The new law also disallows reverse merger of a listed company with that of an unlisted one. This will ensure there is no possibility of ‘backdoor listing’ through reverse mergers.
Recognizing the intensity of this important issue, ASSOCHAM is organizing a National Conference on Mergers & Acquisitions in the New Era of Companies Law.
Justice Shri Dilip Raosaheb Deshmukh Chairman, Company Law Board, has kindly consented to deliver inaugurate address and Justice Shri.V.S.Sirpurkar Chairman, Competition Appellate Tribunal, is expected to deliver Valedictory address. Besides, dignitaries from Ministry of Corporate Affairs, CCI, SEBI, CBDT etc. eminent Speakers from BIG-4, Law firms will address technical session of this conference. Govt. Officials, Chief Executives, Finance, Banking, Legal, Corporate M&A Professionals etc, may attend.
Key Issues
- Overview of provisions relating to Mergers, Amalgamations and Arrangements under the New Act.
- Impact of New Company Law on M&A activities of Indian Companies.
- Regulatory Approvals, Procedure & Process of M&A™s under new NCLT Regime.
- Mergers of Indian Companies:
- Holding &Subsidiary companies
- Small Companies
- Other Companies.
- Cross Border Mergers and Amalgamations.
- Impact New Company Law on out Bound & inbound Mergers & Acquisitions.
Participant Profile expected
- Corporate M&A Professionals
- Chief Financial Officer
- Company Secretary
- Chief Executive Officer
- Head Corporate Affairs
- Head Regulatory Affairs
- Head- Legal Officer/Compliance
- Investment Bankers
- Competition Enforcement Agency
- Banks & Other Financial Institutions
- Law Firm Partner
Date: 24th October (Thursday), 2013
Venue: Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi
Registration Fee: Rs. 5, 750/- per delegate (10% discount for 2 or more delegates from the same organization)
Sponsorship Opportunities are available on ‘First Come First Serve Basis’.
Corporate Law Reporter (www.corporatelawreporter.com) is the Online Media Partner to ASSOCHAM.
Payments can be made at the Venue by Cash, Cheque or DD
Register Here:
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