The much awaited Companies Bill, 2012, has been approved by the Lok Sabha, which seeks to revise and modify the existing company law, in consonance with changes in national and international economic environment.
In view of these emerging issues and key developments, ASSOCHAM is organizing National Conferences on Companies Bill 2012 – Highlights & Insights on 18th July, 2013 at New Delhi for mounting larger awareness among the corporate.
ASSOCHAM aims to highlight the key changes introduced by the Bill and also emphasize on the relevant issues from a practical and operational perspective.
We are pleased to inform you that Shri Sachin Pilot, Hon™ble Minister of State for Corporate Affairs (I / C), Ministry of Corporate Affairs has confirmed his presence to grace the conference.
We request your esteem organization to avail the Sponsorship Opportunities / Partnership in this very important Conference, to enhance your brand visibility. Your association could derive huge mileage from this galaxy Conference. Sponsorship Details are attached. Speaking Opportunity is also available for sponsors.
You are also invited to attend the Seminar or nominate few of your colleagues. The fee for the Conference is Rs. 1,000/- per delegate. (10% discount For ASSOCHAM Members only). Write to us at to enable us to block the seats as the programme has limited Seats and will be available on First come First Served basis.
Write to us with the following information:
Mobile no:
ASSOCHAM therefore solicits your active support in making this important event a grand success.
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