The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs & Sports Shri Jitendra Singh has said that National Physical Fitness Programme (NPFP) envisages that every school going child studying in class V and above should be evaluated on the six basic components of physical fitness e.g. cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, explosive strength and body composition (percentage of body fat) and will be made to participate and compete in the enumerated eight measurable fitness tests.
In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today Shri Jitendra Singh said, Students of 5th standard onwards shall undergo the eight tests in January and June every year, graded and fed into ˜Assessment card™ and the schools ˜Fitness Assessment Forms™. It has been proposed to motivate and introduced reward scheme for top 10 percentage of performers in each gender and in each district in the battery of tests. An International Workshop was organized on promotion of Sports and Physical Education in school system. As a result of decision taken, two Experts Groups were formed to develop on Curriculum Framework Development and Work Force Development. The Expert Groups under the aegis of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports (MYAS) and composed of eminent educationists are examining interalia the draft exposure on the National Physical Fitness Programme (NPFP) for submitting the report to MYAS.