Fiscal Deficit is 4.9 Percent, Revenue Deficit 3.6 Percent and Effective Revenue Deficit 2.5 Percent of GDP during the Period
Office of the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) has compiled the accounts of the Union Government for the year 2012-2013 and brought out its results on provisional basis.
The fiscal indicators for the year 2012-13 as percentage of GDP are as follows:
Deficits |
RE 2012-13 |
Provisional Actuals 2012-13 |
BE 2013-14 |
Fiscal Deficit |
5.2 |
4.9 |
4.8 |
Revenue Deficit |
3.9 |
3.6 |
3.3 |
Effective Revenue Deficit |
2.7 |
2.5 |
1.8 |
The broad parameters of the actuals (on provisional basis) for the year 2012-2013 are as follows:
(Rs. in crore)
Sl. No. |
Details |
RE 2012-13 |
Provisional Actuals 2012-13 |
Variation over RE 2012-13 |
1. | Revenue Receipts |
8,71,828 |
8,78,804 |
(+)6976 |
Tax Revenue (Net) | 7,42,115 | 7,41,062 |
(-)1053 |
Non Tax Revenue | 1,29,713 | 1,37,742 |
(+)8029 |
2. | Capital Receipts |
5,58,998 |
5,30,618 |
(-)28380 |
Recovery of Loans | 14,073 | 14,838 |
(+)765 |
Other receipts | 24,000 | 25,890 |
(+)1890 |
Borrowings & Other liabilities | 5,20,925 | 4,89,890 |
(-)31035 |
3. | Total Receipts (1 + 2) |
14,30,825 |
14,09,422 |
(-)21403 |
4. | Non Plan Expenditure |
10,01,638 |
9,95,139 |
(-)6499 |
5. | Plan Expenditure |
4,29,187 |
4,14,283 |
(-)14904 |
6. | Total Expenditure (4 + 5) |
14,30,825 |
14,09,422 |
(-)21403 |
Revenue Expenditure | 12,63,072 | 12,42,263 |
(-)20809 |
Capital Expenditure | 1,67,753 | 1,67,159 |
(-) 594 |
7. | Revenue Deficit |
3,91,245 |
3,63,459 |
(-)27786 |
(As % of GDP) |
(3.9) |
(3.6) |
8. | Effective Revenue Deficit |
2,66,970 |
2,47,755 |
(-)19215 |
(As % of GDP) |
(2.7) |
(2.5) |
9. | Fiscal Deficit |
5,20,925 |
4,89,890 |
(-)31035 |
(As % of GDP) |
(5.2) |
(4.9) |
10. | Primary Deficit |
2,04,251 |
1,77,894 |
(-)26357 |
(As % of GDP) |
(1.9) |
(1.8) |
Revenue Receipts:
Gross tax collection at Rs.10,36,719 crore is less than R.E. by Rs. 1,318 core and has shown a 7% (Rs. 1,47,821 crore) growth compared to FY 2011-12. The gross tax collection is at 10.3% of GDP compared to 9.9% last year.
Devolution of tax collections to States at the end of 2012-13 is Rs.2,91,547 crore. This is higher by Rs.36,133 crorecompared to Rs.2,55,414 crore for last year.
Non Tax Revenue at Rs.1,37,742 crore (106% of RE) has shown increase of 13% as compared to previous year™ collection of Rs. 1,21,672 crore. As compared to RE, Non Tax Revenue is higher by Rs. 8,029 crore.
Non Debt Capital Receipts at Rs. 40,728 crore (107% of RE) have increased by Rs.3,790 crore compared to 2011-12 (Rs.36,938 crore). As compared to RE, Non-Debt Capital Receipts is higher by Rs.2,655 crore.
Revenue Deficit: With the total revenue expenditure at Rs.12,42,263 crore as against Rs. 12,63,072 crore in the RE, the actual revenue deficit is reported at Rs.3,63,459 crore as compared to Rs.3,91,245 crore in the RE. This works out to 3.6% of GDP. The reduction in revenue deficit is attributable to higher revenue receipts than anticipated.
Effective Revenue Deficit: Actual Effective Revenue Deficit is reported as Rs.2,47,755 crore, lower by Rs.19,215 croreover ` 2,66,970 crore assumed in RE. Effective Revenue Deficit as % of GDP works out to 2.5% of GDP.
Fiscal Deficit/Borrowings and other liabilities: With the increase in actual receipts and lower expenditure as compared to RE, the fiscal deficit in accounts is reported as Rs. 4,89,890 crore, which is lower by Rs. 31,035 crore over RE. As % of GDP, the same works out to 4.9% as against 5.2% assumed in RE.
Primary Deficit: Primary Deficit has been reported in provisional accounts as Rs. 1,77,894 crore as against Rs. 2,04,251 crore. As % GDP, primary deficit is 1.8% as against 1.9% assumed in RE. This is because of lower fiscal deficit and lower interest payments.
Plan expenditure at the end of 2012-13 is Rs. 4,14,283 crore which is higher by Rs.1,908 crore compared to previous year but is at 97 % of RE. Plan expenditure is at 4.1% of GDP. Plan expenditure has been lower as compared to RE mainly in respect of
- Ministry of Communications and IT
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Power
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Textiles
Non Plan Expenditure: Total non Plan expenditure has been reported as Rs.9,95,139 crore as against Rs. 10,01,638 crore in RE, lower by Rs.6,499 crore as compared to RE.
Capital Expenditure has been Rs.1,67,159 crore (100% of RE). This is higher by Rs. 8,579 crore compared to previous year. Capital expenditure is at 1.7% of GDP.