Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
IR Division
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Subject: Publishing of Compendium of Best Practices on RTI
The Department of Personnel and Training, Govt. of India proposes to publish a compendium of best practices on RTI being adopted by Public Authorities all over the country. Write ups are invited from the Indian Citizens about the best practices on RTI being adopted by Public Authorities all over the country. The best 20 write-ups would be selected for inclusion in the compendium. The individuals whose write ups are selected for inclusion in the compendium would be rewarded with a lumpsum amount of Rs. 25000 each.
2. The format for the write-Ups would be as follows:-
1) Name of the Public Authority, whose practice is being considered in the write up.
2) Need felt/problem faced by the Public Authority leading to adoption of such practice.
3) Details of the said practice, including its scope, financial implications, and deployment of resources such as manpower, infrastructure, etc.
4) Lessons learnt by the Public Authority during implementation of the said practice.
5) Positive outcome of such practice in the implementation of the RTI Act.
6) Scope of its replication in other Public Authorities
3. The write-ups should be of about 5000 words, neatly typed in 1.5 line space and 14 size font. All documents in support of the best practice should be attached separately. The complete name and address including telephone and email id of the individual submitting the write-up should be mentioned.
Handwritten write-ups would not be considered. Two copies of the write-ups should be submitted to the Deputy Secretary(IR), Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi-110001 by 28th June, 2013 through post.
4. The individuals whose write ups would be selected could be asked by the department to resubmit the same after making desired changes, if any.
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India