UBD CO BPD PCB Cir No.14/09.18.300/2013-14
September 11, 2013
The Chief Executive Officers of
All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
Dear Sir / Madam,
Implementation of Core Banking Solution (CBS) by Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
Please refer to our circular UBD BPD (PCB) Cir. No.42/09.18.300/2012-13 dated March 13, 2013 on the captioned subject advising UCBs to implement CBS in all their branches by December 31, 2013. On a review, it has been decided that the revised timeframe for implementation of CBS by UCBs would be as under:
Category of UCB |
Timeframe for implementation of CBS |
Tier II UCBs | December 31, 2013 (no change) |
Tier I UCBs (other than unit banks) | June 30, 2014 |
Unit Banks | December 31, 2014 |
2. It is reiterated that failure to implement CBS within the timeframe may result in denial of various facilities (expansion of branches or area of operation, etc.) to UCBs.
Yours faithfully,
(A.K. Bera)
Principal Chief General Manager