The Reserve Bank of India today released the fifteenth volume of its annual statistical publication titled Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy (HBS) 2012-13. One of the major initiatives of the Reserve Bank, this publication is aimed at improving data dissemination to public. Through this publication, the Reserve Bank has been providing time series data on various economic and financial indicators for the Indian economy.
The current volume contains 242 statistical tables covering national income aggregates, output, prices, money, banking, financial markets, public finances, foreign trade and balance of payments and select socio-economic indicators.
Electronic form of the Handbook can also be accessed through (URL “Data Base on Indian Economy (DBIE): Reserve Bank™s Data Warehouse.” The tables are updated regularly and maintained up-to-date.
Comments and suggestions on the HBS are welcome and may please be forwarded to the Director, Data Management and Dissemination Division, Department of Statistics and Information Management, Reserve Bank of India, C-9, 3rd floor, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400 051 by Fax No.91-22-26571371 or by e-mail.
Orders for the purchase of this publication can be placed with the Director, Division of Reports and Knowledge Dissemination, Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, 6th Floor, P. M. Road, Mumbai-400 001 on payment through demand draft or cheque drawn in favour of the Reserve Bank of India, payable at Mumbai only. The publication is also available for sale at all the Regional Offices of the Reserve Bank of India at their reception and enquiry counters.

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