RPCD.CO.RRB.BC.No. 33/03.05.33 /2013-14
September 10, 2013
The Chairmen
All Regional Rural Banks
Dear Sir/Madam,
Settlement of Claims of Deceased Depositor Simplification of Procedure Placing of claim forms on bank™s website
Please refer to circular RPCD.CO.RRB.BC.22/03.05.33/2005-06 dated July 19, 2005 and wherein simplified procedure has been specified for settlement of claims of deceased depositors. We have been receiving feedback from public that banks are not following the simplified procedure as advised in the circular. RRBs are therefore, advised once again that they should strictly comply with the instructions contained therein for hassle-free settlement of claims on the death of a depositor.
2. Further, with a view to facilitate timely settlement of claims on the death of a depositor, RRBs are advised to provide claim forms for settlement of claims of the deceased accounts, to any person/s who is/are approaching the bank / branches for forms. Claim forms may also be put on the bank™s website prominently so that claimants of the deceased depositor can access and download the forms without having to visit the concerned bank/branch for obtaining such forms for filing claim with the bank.
3. Please acknowledge receipt to our Regional Office concerned.
Yours faithfully,
Principal Chief General Manager