Union Labour & Employment Minister Shri Sis Ram Ola today released Revised Transfer Claim form for EPFO beneficiaries marking this as first step towards launch of online Transfer Claim facilities here in New Delhi.
The revised form will have the following salient features:
¢ The form will be called Transfer Claim Form instead of Form 13 for easy comprehension by the beneficiaries.
¢ The form can be presented after verification, either through the present employer or previous employer. Earlier the form could be submitted after verification only through the present employer.
¢ This form can be submitted online as well as in physical form. The facility of online submission of this form will be given shortly after process of collecting the digital signature of the employer is completed.
¢ The facility to file physical form shall continue to cater to the needs of working class who do not have internet access.
¢ Employee will be allowed to submit their applications online, if their employer is having registered digital signature.
¢ Online submission of form will introduce paperless process for claim settlement.
¢ Every beneficiary will be informed through SMS and e-mail about the stage of process of the claim to make the entire process transparent and accountable.
¢ After introduction of online claim settlement, endeavour will be made to substantially reduce the assured time of settlement of transfer claim which presently is 30 days.
Secretary LEM, Dr. Mrutyunjay Sarangi, Shri K.K. Jalan, CPFC and other senior officers of EPFO were also present on the occasion. Dr. Mrutyunjay Sarangi directed that the guidance and directions given by Hon™ble Minister should be adhered to by EPFO.
On this occasion the Minister also reviewed the working of EPFO. In his review Minister emphasized that EPFO must adhere to the Strategic Plan of Ministry of Labour & Employment for next five years. The plan visualizes development of system for Web based services to employers and employees for online submission of forms and settlement of claims. The Minister noted that timely settlement of claims has been the rightful expectation of the beneficiaries of Employees™ Provident Fund. In the financial year 2012-13, 107.62 lac number of claims were settled out of which 88% of claims were processed within 30 days which is the current time frame for settlement of claims.
Though the percentage of claim settled in time is high in absolute terms approximately 13 lac number of beneficiaries did not get their settlement of claims within the stipulated time. Minister directed that all efforts should be made to not only settle the claims within time but also to reduce the time taken in settlement of claims.