SEBI has, today, placed a discussion paper on “Revision of Clause 41 of Equity Listing Agreement“, for public comments.
Clause-41 of Equity Listing Agreement provides the framework for preparation, authentication and submission of Financial Results by listed companies. Based on the requests/ suggestions/ recommendations received from various market participants, some of the provisions of Clause-41 have been revised. It is proposed to replace the existing Clause-41 of Equity Listing Agreement with the draft placed at Annexure to discussion paper.
Public comments on the draft proposals may please be emailed on or before September 13, 2013 to or sent, by post, to:-
Mr. V. S. Sundaresan
Chief General Manager
Corporation Finance Department
Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI Bhavan
Plot No. C4-A, “G” Block
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051
Ph: +912226449200/ +912226449463
August 20, 2013