The Companies Bill, passed by both the Houses of Parliament and signed by President of India, is a historic piece of legislation aimed at improving transparency and accountability in India’s corporate sector. On its enactment, post the presidential consent; the law will replace the Companies Act, 1956.
The Act, when enacted, will allow the country to have a modern legislation for regulation of corporate sector in India. The Act, amongst other aspects provides for business friendly corporate regulation / pro-business initiatives, e-governance initiatives, good corporate governance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), enhanced disclosure norms and accountability of management, stricter enforcement, audit accountability, protection for minority shareholders, investor protection and activism and better framework for insolvency regulation and institutional structure.
In view of these emerging issues and key developments, ASSOCHAM is organizing National Conference on Companies Act 2013 – New Rules of the Game on 19th September, 2013 at New Delhi for mounting larger awareness among the corporates.
- Mr. Naved Masood, Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Mr. M. J. Joseph, Additional Secretary & Chief Vigilance Officer, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Ms. Renuka Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Mr. Nilimesh Baruah, Director, Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO)
- Mr. M.M. Juneja, Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Ms. Preeti Malhotra, Chairperson, ASSOCHAM National Council for Corporate Affairs & CSR and ED & Group President Corporate Affairs, Spice Group
- Mr. Gautam Saha, Partner, AZB & Partners
- Mr. Amarjit Chopra, Past President, ICAI
- Mr. Bharat Anand, Partner, Khaitan and Co.
- Mr. Sanjay Grover, Practicing Company Secretary and central council member ICSI
- Mr. Pavan Kumar Vijay, Chairman ASSOCHAM National Council for M&A and MD, Corporate Professionals Capital Pvt. Ltd.
- CMA Suresh Chandra Mohanty, President, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
*And other speakers from government, industry and professional practitioners. |
- Overview of new Companies Bill – Major Changes, New Concepts & Liberalized Provisions
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Governance, Disclosures & Transparency
- Directors & KMPs – Duties, Responsibilities & Liabilities
- Independent Director – Role & responsibility
- New Accounting Regime Auditors, Accounting& Audi Standards
- Transitional Issues for JVs, MNCs & WOS
- Class Action Suits & Special Courts
- National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
- Empowered SFIO
- Industry Leaders & Decision Makers
- Chief Executive Officers and Managing Directors
- Chief Finance Officers
- Chartered Accountant
- Company Secretary
- Compliance Officers
- Cost Accountant
- Charted Accountants
- Entrepreneur
- Lawyers & Legal Advisors
- Economists
- Legal Directors
- Law Attorneys
- Legal Head
- Private & Public Companies
- Finance & Risk
- Management Groups
- Management & Research Institutions
- Academicians & Faculty
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Thursday, 19th September 2013 ¢ Hotel The Park, New Delhi
Corporate Law Reporter (www.corporatelawreporter.com) is the Online Media Partner to ASSOCHAM.
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