Government has always been sensitive to the demand for One Rank One Pension. Keeping in view the spirit of the demand, several Commissions/Committees have gone into the matter. Their recommendations have resulted in improving the pension of past pensioners. The 5th Central Pay Commission did not recommend grant of `One Rank, One Pension` by stating that every Pay Commission gives certain benefits in pay which are over and above the impact of inflation. The additional benefit is given either due to upgradation of recruitment qualifications or change in job contents. The benefits accorded on this account need not necessarily be passed on to the pensioners. It, however, recommended partial parity. Similarly the 6th Central Pay Commission recommended modified parity and not full parity in the matter of revision of pension of the past retirees. Further a Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary in June, 2009. The Committee made several recommendations aimed at narrowing the gap between earlier and current pensions. This has benefited about 12 lakh retired Personnel Below Officer Ranks (PBORs)/Officers at an annual cost of Rs.2200 crores approximate. Another Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary was set up in July, 2012 for looking into the pay and pension related issues of relevance to Defence service personnel and ex-servicemen. The Committee made recommendations for bridging the gap in pensions of pre and post 2006 Armed Forces pensioners, enhancement of family pensions, dual family pension and continuation of pension to physically/mentally challenged son/daughter of Armed Forces personnel on marriage. All the recommendations of the Committee have been implemented by issue of Government letters on 17.01.2013.
This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Shri Jitendra Singhin a written reply to Shri Naresh Gujral in Rajya Sabha.