UBD.CO.BPD. (PCB). Cir. No. 55/12.05.001/2012-13
June 13, 2013
Chief Executive Officers
All Primary Urban Co-operative Banks
Madam/Dear Sir
Fraud Monitoring Cell of Reserve Bank of India, to function from Bengaluru from July 1, 2013
Please refer to the Press Release No. 2012-2013/2045 dated June 5, 2013 hosted on the RBI website.
2. It would be observed that the Fraud Monitoring Cell attached to the Department of Banking Supervision, Central Office (DBS, C.O.) will start operations from the premises of Bengaluru Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India from July 1, 2013. You are therefore advised to take note of the new address of the Fraud Monitoring Cell of DBS, C.O. and file fraud reports, furnish response to the existing letters from them and address fresh letters if any, to the new address at Bengaluru from June 14, 2013 onwards. The address of the Central Fraud Monitoring Cell of DBS, Central Office is given below:-
Central Fraud Monitoring Cell
Department of Banking Supervision,
Reserve Bank of India, 10/3/8, Nruputhunga Road,
P.B. No. 5467
Bengaluru 560001.
Phone No: – +91 80 22244120
Fax No.: +91 80 22127754
Yours faithfully
(Scenta Joy)
Deputy General Manager