Planning Commission has indicated an outlay of Rs. 18118 crore for Central Sector Schemes and Rs. 91435 crore for State Sector Schemes of Ministry of Water Resources for Twelfth Five Year Plan.
Ministry of Water Resources has prepared schemes in this regard which are at different stages of approval.
The Ministry of Water Resources ensures performance of Plan schemes in tandem with the Plan, through regular monitoring and evaluation at the end of every Five Year Plan, by independent agencies. Besides mid-term appraisal is being done by the Planning Commission.
The major issues highlighted for Ministry of Water Resources in the Twelfth Five Year Plan documents approved by National Development Council (NDC), are at Annexure.
This information was given by Union Water Resources Minister Shri Harish Rawat in the Rajya Sabha today in reply to a written question.
Major issues highlighted for Ministry of Water Resources in the Twelfth Five Year Plan
1. A move away from a narrowly engineering- construction-centric approach to a more multi- disciplinary, participatory management approach to our major and medium irrigation projects, with central emphasis on command area development and a sustained effort at efficiency.
2. Since groundwater accounts for nearly two-thirds of India™s irrigation and 80 per cent of domestic water needs, we need a participatory approach to sustainable management of groundwater based on a new programme of aquifer mapping.
3. Launching a completely revamped programme on Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies.
4. Renewed focus on non-structural mechanisms for flood management.
5. Vastly improved systems of water-related data collection and management as also transparency in availability of data.
6. Adaptation strategies to mitigate the likely impact of climate change to be pursued under the National Water Mission (NWM).
7. A new legal and institutional framework for water based on broader consensus among the States etc.