Section 136 of Companies Act, 2013 – Right of Member to Copies of Audited Financial Statement

  • Updated Till : February 06, 2025


[Effective from 1st April, 2014]

(1) [***] [1] A copy of the financial statements, including consolidated financial statements, if any, auditor’s report and every other document required by law to be annexed or attached to the financial statements, which are to be laid before a company in its general meeting, shall be sent to every member of the company, to every trustee for the debenture-holder of any debentures issued by the company, and to all persons other than such member or trustee, being the person so entitled, not less than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting:


In case of a Section 8 Company, for the words “twenty-one days”, the words “fourteen days” shall be substituted” vide Notification No. 466(E) dated 5th June, 2015.

The above mentioned exception shall be applicable to a Section 8 company which has not committed a default in filing its financial statements under section 137 of the said Act or annual return under section 92 of the said Act with the Registrar, vide amendment notification G.S.R. 584(E) dated 13th June 2017. 

Section 136(1) shall apply to a Nidhi Company, subject to the modification that, in the case of members who do not individually or jointly hold shares of more than one thousand rupees in face value or more than one per cent, of the total paid-up share capital whichever is less, it shall be sufficient compliance with the provisions of the section if an intimation is sent by public notice in newspaper circulated in the district in which the Registered Office of the Nidhi is situated stating the date, time and venue of Annual General Meeting and the financial statement with its enclosures can be inspected at the registered office of the company, and the financial statement with enclosures are affixed in the Notice Board of the company and a member is entitled to vote either in person or through proxy, vide Notification No. GSR 465(E) dated 5th June, 2015

[Provided that if the copies of the documents are sent less than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting, they shall, notwithstanding that fact, be deemed to have been duly sent if it is so agreed by members— (a) holding, if the company has a share capital, majority in number entitled to vote and who represent not less than ninety-five per cent. of such part of the paid-up share capital of the company as gives a right to vote at the meeting; or (b) having, if the company has no share capital, not less than ninetyfive per cent. of the total voting power exercisable at the meeting.

Provided further that;] [2]  in the case of a listed company, the provisions of this sub-section shall be deemed to be complied with, if the copies of the documents are made available for inspection at its registered office during working hours for a period of twenty-one days before the date of the meeting and a statement containing the salient features of such documents in the prescribed form or copies of the documents, as the company may deem fit, is sent to every member of the company and to every trustee for the holders of any debentures issued by the company not less than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting unless the shareholders ask for full financial statements:

[Provided also][3] that the Central Government may prescribe the manner of circulation of financial statements of companies having such net worth and turnover as may be prescribed:

Provided also that a listed company shall also place its financial statements including consolidated financial statements, if any, and all other documents required to be attached thereto, on its website, which is maintained by or on behalf of the company:

[Provided also that every listed company having a subsidiary or subsidiaries shall place separate audited accounts in respect of each of subsidiary on its website, if any:

Provided also that a listed company which has a subsidiary incorporated outside India (herein referred to as “foreign subsidiary”)—

(a) where such foreign subsidiary is statutorily required to prepare consolidated financial statement under any law of the country of its incorporation, the requirement of this proviso shall be met if consolidated financial statement of such foreign subsidiary is placed on the website of the listed company;

(b) where such foreign subsidiary is not required to get its financial statement audited under any law of the country of its incorporation and which does not get such financial statement audited, the holding Indian listed company may place such unaudited financial statement on its website and where such financial statement is in a language other than English, a translated copy of the financial statement in English shall also be placed on the website.][4]

(2) A company shall allow every member or trustee of the holder of any debentures issued by the company to inspect the documents stated under sub-section (1) at its registered office during business hours.

[Provided that every company having a subsidiary or subsidiaries shall provide a copy of separate audited or unaudited financial statements, as the case may be, as prepared in respect of each of its subsidiary to any member of the company who asks for it.] [5]

(3) If any default is made in complying with the provisions of this section, the company shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five thousand rupees and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of five thousand rupees.

Applicable Rules

Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014

[Effective from 1st April, 2014]

Rule 10. Statement containing salient features of financial statements.—The statement containing features of documents referred to in first proviso to sub-section (1) of section 136 shall be in Form AOC-3.

[Provided that the Companies which are required to comply with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 shall forward their statement in Form AOC-3A] [6]

Rule 11. Manner of circulation of financial statements in certain cases.—In case of all listed companies and such public companies which have a net worth of more than one crore rupees and turnover of more than ten crore rupees, the financial statements may be sent—

(a) by electronic mode to such members whose shareholding is in dematerialised format and whose email Ids are registered with Depository for communication purposes;

(b) where Shareholding is held otherwise than by dematerialised format, to such members who have positively consented in writing for receiving by electronic mode; and

(c) by despatch of physical copies through any recognised mode of delivery as specified under section 20 of the Act, in all other cases.

Applicable Circulars

Clarification with regard to circulation and filing of financial statement

General Circular No. 11/2015 dated 21-7-2015

Stakeholders have drawn attention to the proviso to section 101(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) which allows general meetings to be called at a shorter notice than twenty one days, and sought clarification as to whether provisions of section 136 would also allow circulation of financial statements at a shorter notice if conditions under section 101 are fulfilled.

1.2 The matter has been examined and it is clarified that a company holding a general meeting after giving a shorter notice as provided under section 101 of the Act may also circulate financial statements (to be laid/considered in the same general meeting) at such shorter notice.

2.1 Attention has also been drawn to the provisions of clause (a) of fourth proviso to section 136(1) which require every company having a subsidiary or subsidiaries to place on its website, if any, separate audited accounts in respect of each of its subsidiary. Further, fourth proviso to section 137(1)requires that a company shall attach along with its financial statements to outside India and which have not established their place of business in India. Clarification has been sought on—

(a) Whether a company covered under above provisions can place/file unaudited accounts of a foreign subsidiary if the audit of such foreign subsidiary is not a mandatory legal requirement in the country where such foreign subsidiary has been incorporated and such audit has not been conducted, and;

(b) Whether accounts of such foreign subsidiary would need to be as per format under Schedule III/Accounting Standards or the format as per country of incorporation of the foreign subsidiary would be sufficient.

2.2 The matter has been examined in the Ministry in consultation with ICAI and it is clarified that in case of a foreign subsidiary, which is not required to get its accounts audited as per legal requirements prevalent in the country of its incorporation and which does not get such accounts audited, the holding/parent Indian may place/file such unaudited accounts to comply with requirements of Section 136(1) and 137(1) as applicable. These, however, would need to be translated in English, if the original accounts are not in English. Further, the format of accounts of foreign subsidiaries should be, as far as possible, in accordance with requirements under Companies Act, 2013. In case this is not possible, a statement indicating the reasons for deviation may be placed/ filed alongwith such accounts.


[1] Omitted words”Without prejudice to the provisions of section 101,” by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 vide Notification No. File No. 1/1/2018-CL.I dated 9th February, 2018.

[2] Substituted for the words “Provided that” by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 vide Notification No. File No. 1/1/2018-CL.I dated 9th February, 2018.

[3] Substituted for the words “Provided further” by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 vide Notification No. File No. 1/1/2018-CL.I dated 9th February, 2018.

[4] Substituted by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 vide Notification No. File No. 1/1/2018-CL.I dated 9th February, 2018. Prior to the substitution it read as under:

“Provided also that every company having a subsidiary or subsidiaries shall,—

(a) place separate audited accounts in respect of each of its subsidiary on its website, if any;

(b) provide a copy of separate audited financial statements in respect of each of its subsidiary, to any shareholder of the company who asks for it.

(2) A company shall allow every member or trustee of the holder of any debentures issued by the company to inspect the documents stated under sub-section (1) at its registered office during business hours.

(3) If any default is made in complying with the provisions of this section, the company shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five thousand rupees and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of five thousand rupees.”

[5] Inserted by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 vide Notification No. File No. 1/1/2018-CL.I dated 9th February, 2018.

[6] Inserted by the Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2018 vide Notification No. File No. 1/19/2013-CL-V-Part dated 27th February, 2018.



2 responses to “Section 136 of Companies Act, 2013 – Right of Member to Copies of Audited Financial Statement”

  1. Tracey Yun says:

    Hi webmaster, Thanks for the educational content!

  2. Sharna says:

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