The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a general notification dated 9th January , 2015 in pursuance of sub-section (2) of section 439 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby authorises the following officers in the office of Regional Director (Northern Region) at Noida for the purposes of filing complaint under section 159 of the said Act in respect of offences under section 155 of the said Act, namely :”
S.No. Name of officers
1. Dr. Raj Singh, Joint Director
2. Shri A.M.Singh, Joint Director
3. Ms. P. Sheela, Joint Director
4. Shri R.K.Tiwari, Joint Director
5. Shri Ch. Jaganadh Reddy, Assistant Director
The notification can also be accessed at the link given below.