DNBS (PD) CC No 379/03.02.001/2014-15
July 1, 2014
All Non-Banking Financial Companies (except Residuary Non-Banking Companies
and Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies)
Dear Sirs,
Master Circular Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998
As you are aware, in order to have all current instructions on the subject at one place, the Reserve Bank of India issues updated circulars / notifications. The instructions contained in the Notification No.DFC.118/DG (SPT)-98 dated January 31, 1998 updated as on June 30, 2014 are reproduced below.
Yours faithfully,
(K. K. Vohra)
Principal Chief General Manager
NBFC’s Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998