Ratio of the Case: The tribunal is empowered enough to rectify its own mistake in an order passed earlier on coming to know of it. It can also replace the order with either the correct one or with another one.
CLR Editorial Notes: In the entire scenario, it was noted, that a wrong order got issued due to the mistake of the stenographer. The following is the excerpt of how the Tribunal felt on this issue and passed the new order:
“Without noticing the facts of the present case, the replacement of the said order cannot be considered to be a review of the same. The entire order, which got issued was a mistake in as much as the same does not relate to the facts of the present case except that the reference of Appeal No. and impugned order-in-appeal match in the preamble to those in case under consideration making it look as if the present order relates to the appeal of M/s. Paramount Communication.
As such, it has to be concluded that the entire order is a mistake, requiring rectification of same. The point made out by learned AR that such rectification can be done only to small clerical mistake in the order, cannot be appreciated inasmuch as in the present case the entire order is a clerical mistake. The mistakes required to be rectified does not depend upon the length of said mistake or does not relate to one or two words in the order. When the entire order which got issued was not relatable to the matter under dispute, notwithstanding the reference numbers in the preamble of the same, it has to be held as if the entire order was a mistake. In fact such provisions for correction of such mistakes in the Act is for rectifying mistakes on pointing out by either side or by the Tribunal itself. If the same comes to the notice of the Tribunal as such even if the present ROM application was not filed by the Revenue, the Tribunal was empowered to rectify the mistake on its own, on coming to know of the same. Similarly, such rectification application can be filed by the assessee also inasmuch as the Final Order does not relate to facts of their case. So, the insistence of the learned AR that such ROM application filed by the Revenue should be rejected at the threshold cannot be appreciated and prayer to that effect cannot be accepted.”
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